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Archive: August 2022

See It! Hear It! Report It! Works in Parsons

Our efforts with promoting 'See It! Hear It! Report It!' has contributed to interdicting a host of crimes and criminal activity in our community since we rolled the program out four-years ago. While the crime ate has not jumped, out volume of calls has increased significantly - so YOU are partnering with us to investigate a host of suspicious activities in the City!

You can also participate in the national program of 'If You See Something, Say Something' campaign administered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This allows citizens to make reports even when they are outside the city limits.

With the help of the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI), the campaign has identified indicators of terrorism-related suspicious activity. These include, but are not limited to, unusual items or situations, eliciting information, and observation/surveillance. Some of these activities could be innocent-it is up to law enforcement to determine whether the behavior warrants investigation.

But we can all help keep our communities safe by paying attention to our surroundings and reporting suspicious activity to local law enforcement.

Protecting Citizens' Civil Rights & Civil Liberties

The "If You See Something, Say Something®" campaign respects citizens' privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties by emphasizing behavior, rather than appearance, in identifying suspicious activity.

Factors such as race, ethnicity, and/or religious affiliation are not suspicious. The public should only report suspicious behavior and situations (e.g., an unattended backpack or package, or someone breaking into a restricted area). Only reports that document behavior that is indicative of criminal activity related to terrorism will be shared with federal partners.

How to Report Suspicious Activity

Public safety and security are everyone's responsibility. If you see suspicious activity, report it to local law enforcement or a person of authority using the "5W's".

Report suspicious activity to a person in authority, such as local law enforcement.

Do not be afraid to report something, even if you are not sure, it was serious.

  • Who to tell:

 - On the street, tell a police officer.

 - On a bus, tell the driver.

 - In a train or subway station, tell a security guard.

  • What to tell them:

 - WHAT did you observe? Be specific.

 - WHO did you see?

 - WHEN did you see it?

 - WHERE did you see this occur?

 - WHY is it suspicious


Suspicious activity is any observed behavior that could indicate terrorism or other criminal activity. Examples include:

  • Unusual items or situations: A vehicle in an odd location, unattended luggage/package, open door/window that is normally closed and locked, etc.
  • Eliciting information: Questioning individuals at a level beyond mere curiosity about particular facets of a facilities or building's purpose, operations, security, etc.
  • Observation/surveillance: unusual attention to facilities or buildings beyond a casual or professional interest. Extended loitering without explanation, particularly in concealed locations with optimal visibility of potential targets. Unusual, repeated, and/or prolonged observation of buildings (e.g., with a video camera or binoculars), taking notes and/or measurements, sketching floor plans.

Many of these activities could be innocent. Law enforcement professionals must examine suspicious behaviors in a larger context to determine whether there is reason to investigate. The activities above are not all-inclusive. They have been compiled from a review of terrorist events over several years.

Protect your every day.


