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Veterans Day Thank You


Veteran's Day, celebrated on November 11th every year, is a tribute to military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces. It is a day of remembering the sacrifices of those who have fought to protect our country.

This special day is set aside to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. This holiday is a celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

As the Son of a Pearl Harbor Survivor, my Father was serving on the USS Ralph Talbot, a destroyer that was anchored just off of battleship row in Pearl Harbor Bay on December 7, 1941. So Veterans Day is of special importance to me.

The Men and Women of YOUR Parsons Police Department are humbled by the bravery and courage of the veterans in our community and our country - they are our neighbors, our friends, our families, and our loved ones. We want to thank all our veterans and their families for keeping our country safe.

I especially want to reconize those Veterans who are on our police staff:

Lt. Jason Ludwig - US Navy 1997-2001, engineman third class; US Army 2004-2006, combat engineer, one tour in Iraq.

Sgt Brice Dickens - US Army 2008-2017, military police.

Cpl Kyle Shields - US Marine Corps, 2011-2016, military police, one tour in Afghanistan.

Officer Mark Raney - US Marine Corps, 1986-2010, retired Major, multiple deployments.

Officer Blake Sanchez - US Army, 2017-2019, E-3.

Officer Sean McCullough - US Army, 2014-2018, Sergeant, Afghanistan.

Dispatcher Marshall Sills - US Army, 2007-2008, Combat Engineer

We strongly encourage everyone to think of our veterans and thank them when you see them. We support and honor our veterans, not just on Veteran's Day but every day of the year.