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If we do not maintain Justice, Justice will not maintain us. ~ Francis Bacon

Crime prevention, deterrence and displacement are part of proactive policing along with interdicting criminal behavior and arresting violators. The community is encouraged to take ownership in reporting suspicious activity, so 'See It, Hear It, Report It!' is a key catch phrase for the Parsons' community. Without community ownership and involvement (including individuals, schools, business community and neighborhoods), we cannot hope to 'ZERO Out' crime in Parsons.

Our mission is to partner with our community to protect our citizens and make the City of Parsons a safe and desirable place to live, work or visit. We are problem solvers using Pride, Professionalism and Dedication to guide our actions in an ethical and legal way. 
We are evolving to meet the changing needs of our community, while maintaining our commitment to excellence in the highest traditions of police service.

Parsons Police have adopted the Core Values of Pride, Professionalism and Dedication.

PRIDE- The policing staff strives to take pride in their actions, appearance and in our community. It is essential we honor the trust we earn from our community. Pride and respect are fundamental to the mission of our Police Department.
PROFESSIONALISM- The policing staff works in a serious, thoughtful manner. We want to exceed citizen expectations.  Our staff strives for professional excellence. Agency-wide our employees keep the promises we make to the community and maintain integrity while completing our duty. We are professionals who don't make excuses but focus on finding solutions
DEDICATION- The policing staff is dedicated to performing our very best at all times. It is our commitment that drives us forward and keeps us steadfast in our duty. We always take responsibility for our actions and are legal, moral, and ethical. We will never quit striving for excellence even in the toughest of times.