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Mission Vision and Guiding Principles

Mission - Vision - Guiding Principles

Mission and Values Statement


  •     A Mission statement lays emphasis on the reason for the existence of an organization, and how it poses to serve its major stakeholders.

The goal of this department is to improve the quality of life in the community by actively participating in a partnership with citizens to keep our neighborhoods and businesses safe and free of crime.

The Department has as its main objectives, prevention and deterring crime, apprehending offenders, reducing traffic crashes and the maintenance of public order, toward which our efforts must constantly and consistently be directed. Police service does, however, consist of many diverse activities. Because there are no other public or private agencies available, the public very often relies on the Department for assistance and advice in the many routine and emergency situations that can develop in society, for this reason, the Department responds to many incidents that have no criminal potential, but do represent a service need to the community.

  •     The Vision statement defines the goal an organization wants to either achieve or become.

This Vision Statement recognizes that we cannot continue to chase crime using just an enforcement-oriented approach, but that we must seek to prevent and deter crime by identifying and eliminating its causes, sources, and elements.  We must posture for the future, before it arrives, while continuing to be a service-oriented department.

  •     Values (Guiding Principles) are referred to as the beliefs of a person or group. In the context of an organization, it is based on how they are emotionally invested.

The Department espouses individual and organizational principles or CORE VALUES that guide how we provide our service and direct the manner in which we treat each other and our community.


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